Author Archives: PHSP

Plumbing & Heating Skills Partnership Unveils Major Expansion & Strategic Vision for a Sustainable Future

The Plumbing & Heating Skills Partnership (PHSP) is set to significantly expand and strengthen its membership following a strategic Skills Summit. This expansion includes widening the PHSP UK Strategic Group membership to include the Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (CIPHE), the Plumbing, Heating and Mechanical Engineering Joint Industry Boards (JIB-PMES & SNIJIB) and […]

PHSP Launches New Training Advice

The Plumbing & Heating Skills Partnership (PHSP) has launched new and comprehensive advice on the correct routes to becoming a qualified plumbing and heating engineer. Aimed at both school leavers and career changers, the guidance maps out straightforward messages on what qualifications and training you need, tips for choosing a training provider and the warning signs that […]

A New Era for Plumbing and Heating Apprenticeships

We are delighted to announce the launch of our marketing campaign promoting the benefits of the new Level 3 Plumbing & Domestic Heating Technician Apprenticeship. Set to become the new industry standard, this trailblazing apprenticeship has been specially designed to meet employers’ needs, fill skills gaps and secure the future of England’s plumbing and domestic […]

Industry Skills Discussed at PHSP Event

Plumbing and heating organisations and other stakeholders gathered recently to discuss how the industry could work collectively to address training and skills issues. During the event, hosted by the Plumbing & Heating Skills Partnership (PHSP), attendees were briefed on the skills activity currently taking place across the UK and asked what future skills needs the […]

Launch Event of the Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership (PHSP)

The PHSP launched its business plan at an event held in Derby on 29 June. The UK-wide Strategic group endorsed the plans for the remainder of 2017 and appointed Mr George Thomson as Chairman of the group. A second-generation plumber, George has worked in the plumbing industry for over 40 years. He is currently involved […]

Policy Watch Publication

BPEC provide training centres and FE partners with a special e-newsletter – The BPEC Brief – bringing you the latest news and policy updates affecting the training sector. View the latest here.

Question and Answer on what PHSP is!

A Q&A with the Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership Original article published on HVP Mag, 22 June, 2017 HVP got in touch with the people behind the Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership (PHSP) to find out how they’re filling the gap left by the closure of SummitSkills. What is the Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership, […]

A new era begins…

In view of the imminent closure of SummitSkills, the Plumbing Industry’s leading organisations APHC, BPECand SNIPEF have worked together to establish the ‘Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership’ (PHSP). This new Skills Partnership will have a UK focus and be led by employers from the plumbing and heating industry; and will take over responsibility for the skills needs of the industry as […]

Notices of closure to SummitSkills

You may have read the news in recent days that SummitSkills, the Standard Setting Organisation for Building Services Engineering, have announced they will be closing their operations in March 2017.  Please click here to see their official announcement. The closure of SummitSkills will obviously leave a void in the management of the skills agenda particularly for the Plumbing and Heating […]